Marienberg Devices VC Sine Phase Oscillator

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Marienberg Devices
Доступность:на заказ
71943 Р
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Voltage-Controlled Sine-Phase OscillatorThe sinusoidal phase oscillator from Marienberg Devices provides the sine and pulse waveforms at eight outputs, each shifted by 45°. This results in numerous experimental applications such as extended linear frequency modulation, realisation of a resonator by controlling a plurality of bandpass filters, or mixing of the individual phase signals for generating complex waveforms.
  • Developed and handmade in Germany.
  • Analog oscillator with the sinusoidal and pulse waveforms
  • 8 outputs per waveform with a 45 ° phase shift
  • CV inputs for hard sync and pulse width modulation
  • Frequency range: 0.2 Hz to 20 kHz
  • Voltage range per input 0 to 10 V
  • Power consumption: 170 mA
  • Connectors: 6.3 mm mono jack cable
  • Dimensions: 222.25 x 101.6 x 54 mm
  • Weight: 593 g
  • Can only be operated with Marienberg Devices power supply units!

Further Information
Width 10,16 cm
variants Marienberg

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